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Register Now

TLOMA conference is open to members and non-members who work in the legal industry.


Registration Opens:  April 27, 2021
Registration Closes:  September 3, 2021
Conference:  September 28 - September 29, 2021

Registration Fees & Information

All registration prices are in CDN dollars.  Prices listed below are per delegate.


Register by
September 3, 2021


TLOMA Member

Register Now

$299.99 + HST



Register Now

$349.99 + HST



You have the option to pay online or submit payment by E-Transfer to:

PO BOX 1029, TD Center
Toronto, ON M5K 1P2

Become A Member

Interested in becoming a member and taking advantage of even more savings?  Click here to learn more about TLOMA membership benefits.  A sample justification letter to your Managing Partner or Supervisor is available.

Cancellations, Refunds or Transfers

Requests for cancellations or refunds must be received in writing to the TLOMA office.  See Cancellation Policy for further details.

Important Information

Supporting Business partners

  • Supon Logo July 2021
  • netex
  • Facility Plus 2024
  • Forge Recruitment 26mar19
  • introhive - karen
  • Branch OS Logos 4jun19
  • AMJ Campbell
  • Compugen 19mar20
  • PACE Technical 20sep23
  • SmartPrint 9aug21
  • Armour Cybersecurity - 5aug21
  • Epiq 7jan20
  • Southwest Bindings
  • BMC Networks Inc. 4jun21
  • RICOH_1
  • ion (2)
  • WilsonAllen 16may19
  • Cartel Inc._2/7/2018 10:21:56 PM
  • ASCA 4jul18
  • QRX
  • HAYS sep2023
  • InteriorCare_1
  • Facility Plus 2024
  • Facility Plus 2024
  • dealcloser_logo_CMYK (002)
  • Korbitec-Logo-on-Blue-Pantone
  • Surgically Clean Air 6sept19
  • Saul Good Gift Co. 31oct19
  • TitanFile
  • LexCloud-Hi-Res-Tag (00052950x9D842) (002)
  • Advanced - Previously Tikit
  • The Hiring Partner.2013
  • HUB 9feb22