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3545 Consulting


3545 Consulting – Global provides comprehensive, technology solutions, tailored to empower law firms to work smarter and more efficiently. Our dedicated team of experts get to know each client and their personnel to gain a thorough understanding of how their law firm operates.

We listen to your needs and ask the necessary questions to find customized solutions within your budget that will improve processes and help you effectively run your business.


  • Human Resources
    • Training & Development
  • Technology
    • Computer Hardware
    • Computer Software
    • Document Management
    • Legal Accounting
    • Media Storage
    • Network Integration
    • Practice Management
    • Security - Hardware/Software
    • Tech Support Services
3545 Consulting

Contact Details

Becky Just
T: 713-789-3323 x122
LinkedIn Icon

Sponsorship Level

  • Diamond Sponsor

Supporting Firms

  • Blouin Dunn
  • MillerThomson
  • Crawford Chondon & Partners LLP 24feb20
  • Simpson Wigle greyscale 26jul17
  • logo_macdonald_sager
  • member_blg
  • GMA Full Name Logo
  • member_weirfoulds
  • Tupman + Bloom 3mar20
  • Goldblatt
  • logo_harris-sheaffer
  • Cavalluzzo LLP_Logo
  • Levitt LLP Logo
  • Waddell Phillips
  • Henien Hutchison LLP
  • Kormans Logo
  • logo_torys
  • logo_robins
  • Mills + Mills
  • HRG.logo
  • logo_zuber
  • logo_keyser
  • logo_guberman
  • Matthews Dinsdale 1feb19
  • Haber Lawyers 14feb19
  • Daoust_Vukovich
  • logo_mcleish_orlando
  • Fox Vanounou Porcelli 29aug19
  • Harris Law Logo
  • Nelligan 14aug17
  • logo_Osler_hoskin
  • fogler-rubinoff
  • logo_sokllp
  • logo_goodmans
  • Dentons
  • heuristica
  • logo_pmlaw
  • BakerMcKenzie
  • logo_norton
  • Reybroek140x60 resized
  • logo_lerners
  • Koskie Minsky
  • Beard Winter Logo black white - New
  • Walker Head Lawyers 27sept19 - greyscale.
  • Green + Spiegel logo 31jul17
  • logo_hsh
  • logo_cassels
  • Chappell Partners Logo
  • hummingbird
  • logo_chappell_partners
  • logo_smith_valeriote
  • Riches McKenzie 11oct17
  • logo_shibley
  • O'Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP
  • logo_gardiner_roberts
  • logo_benson
  • logo_kronis
  • Marks + Clerk 18may18
  • logo_goodmans
  • member_torkin_manes
  • logo_ricketts_harris
  • Gillian Hnatiw 2
  • logo_oatley
  • Lenczner Slaght resized
  • balesBeall
  • SparkLaw
  • logo_chaitons
  • logo_sullivan_festeryga
  • member_minden_gross
  • dutton_brock
  • Stockwoods Logo
  • logo_sherrard
  • logo_giesbrecht
  • logo_madorin
  • dickinsonwright
  • logo_ridout
  • McTague Logo
  • CLYDE + Co 2aug17
  • logo_dale_and_lessmann
  • logo_bennet_jones
  • WARDs Legal - grayscale
  • logo_barriston
  • logo_wilson_vukelich
  • logo_bernardi_llp_5405 (greyscale)
  • Rueters LLP 5mar18
  • Deloitte Tax Law
  • logo_dw
  • MacDonald & Partners logo
  • logo_wildeboer
  • logo_willms_shier
  • Cumming & Partners
  • member_hicks_morley
  • logo_sotos
  • logo_bennet_jones
  • Rayman Beitchman LLP 2mar18
  • Minken Employment Lawyers logo 14aug17
  • Grosman, Gale 2nov17
  • Giffen Lawyers
  • Piasetzki
  • O'Sullivan
  • Laxton Glass
  • logo_hull_hull
  • Davies Howe
  • rogers partners
  • logo_dlapiper
  • member_tgf
  • Dueck-Sauer-Jutzi-Noll
  • logo_bereskin_parr
  • Loopstra Nixon logo 140w greyscale
  • AUM Law Logo 22nov18
  • aviva_lawyers
  • Reves Richarz LLP
  • BlaneyMcMurtry
  • RossMcBride
  • LeClair Logo


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