8:00 AM
- 8:45 AM
Conference Registration (Day 3)
8:00 AM
- 9:00 AM
Breakfast (Day 3)
9:15 AM
- 10:15 AM
Plenary 2 - The Philosophy of Leadership - Leadership is Not a Title
10:15 AM
- 10:30 AM
Nutrition Break & Office Check-In
10:30 AM
- 11:30 AM
Choose either Workshop 3A or 3B
Technology Workshop 2A - Empowering Women in Technology
10:30 AM
- 11:30 AM
Choose either Workshop 3A or 3B
Human Resources Workshop 2B - The Golden Thread Approach: Aligning Pay, Performance, and Professional Growth for Top Talent
11:30 AM
- 11:45 AM
Office Check-In
11:45 AM
- 12:35 PM
Plenary 3 - Talent & Opportunity in the Post-Pandemic Workplace
12:35 PM
- 2:00 PM
2:00 PM
- 2:55 PM
Plenary 4 - Humour: The Leadership Motivator Superpower
2:55 PM
- 3:00 PM
Closing Conference Remarks - Pat Carrano, TLOMA Vice President
7:00 PM
- 11:59 PM
Dancing Like the Stars - Delegate Dinner & Dance