Please join us for an introduction to virtualization and how it can be of benefit to your firm. Very briefly, reduce IT costs and improve flexibility with server consolidation. Don’t let server sprawl and platform dependencies prevent your organization from achieving its goals. Take control of your IT infrastructure. Cut capital and operating costs while increasing IT service delivery without being locked into limited choices of operating systems, applications, and hardware. Virtualization enables you to:
• Reduce hardware and operating costs by as much as 50% and energy costs by 80%, saving more than $3,000 per year for every server workload virtualized
• Reduce the time it takes to provision new servers by up to 70%
• Decrease downtime and improve reliability with business continuity and built-in data disaster recovery
• Deliver IT services on-demand now and in the future, independent of hardware, OS, application or infrastructure providers
The discussion will be high-level, covering virtualization concepts and how they address IT-related business needs. It will be followed by a brief Q&A session. The guest speakers will be Christopher Moores, Client Buying Agent and Dwayne Hall, Senior Data Systems Architect, from IS Associates Inc.
Please contact Millie Waicus for further details (