Group Insurance Programs - Myths, Opportunities & Changes
Mr. Morel’s presentation will briefly take you from ‘Group Insurance Underwriting 101’ to comparing ‘Retail’ versus ‘Wholesale’ payment of health and dental claims – Case Studies. Other presentation topics will include: Disability Management (Insurer versus ‘specialty’ providers), Brokers/Insurers – Working in ‘Your’ best interest or ‘Theirs’?, Third Party Administrator Opportunities, Preferred Provider Network Opportunities, Plan Communication – via ‘Microsites’and finally the future…The rising unsustainable Canadian Healthcare Program, Workplace Wellness – ‘Focus on Prevention’ (US models vs Canada). Conclusion – The Future of Employer/Employee - Private Concierge Medical/Wellness Centres.
Our Speaker, Ray Morel is the President & CEO of The Morel Group of Companies. Mr. Morel has specialized in group insurance programs for over 30 years. He and members of the Morel family, have earned an industry reputation as ‘innovators’ and ‘change agents’, by developing proven approaches, solutions, systems and more recently, the building of employer/employee owned, private medical/wellness centres, all of which continue to change the manner ‘traditional’ group insurance programs have been underwritten, funded, administered, delivered and communicated to both Canadian and US employees.