INVITATION from Normandin Beaudry - Balancing employer and employee needs
Normandin Beaudry is delighted to invite you to its Total Rewards Meetup: Balancing employer and employee needs.
This event is designed to inspire, educate, and connect a community of passionate human resources and total rewards professionals. It is a unique chance to learn about the latest developments and discover the exceptional content delivered by Normandin Beaudry’s Group Benefits, Communication, Compensation, and Savings experts.
Hot topic discussions will include:
- Pay transparency: Is your organization ready?
Speakers: Darcy Clark, Compensation & Dianne Gavieres, Communication
We will explore the concept of pay transparency, including the options available, assessment of current placement, and risks and considerations for ensuring equitable and fair compensation.
- Benefits: Lessons from global trends and priorities
Speaker: Daniel Drolet, Group Benefits
Discover insights on emerging trends and challenges in employee benefits and learn how to adopt a more responsive approach that meets evolving workforce needs.
- Pension and Savings: Adapting to changing demographics
Speaker: Dimitri Poliak, Savings
Explore how shifting demographics are reshaping priorities in pensions within an increasingly complex market.
- Beyond hybrid work, how does flexibility manifest in total rewards?
Speaker: Matthew D. Pavelich, Communication
Dive into how organizations are implementing flexible practices and programs for their teams and see flexibility as a strategic lever.