TLOMA Marketing SIG - Empowering Lawyers to Market with Confidence
Turn your firm’s lawyers into Business Development Champions! Your lawyers are busy, and marketing and business development are often afterthoughts, crammed into the slivers of time left in between billable hours. Firm supports are leveraged at the last minute to help with marketing crises - promoting speaking engagements, posting articles, gathering materials - you've all been there!
But what if the revenue supporters (YOU!) and revenue generators (THEM!) worked together to create a seamless, process-driven plan for marketing both the individuals in your firm, and the firm overall? What if everyone had what they needed, when they need it, and what if the lawyers took on the lion's share of their own marketing - and actually enjoyed it?
In this session, you'll discover practical strategies to:
- Equip lawyers with the tools and confidence to market themselves effectively
- Align individual efforts with the firm’s overall brand and business goals
- Create a seamless, proactive approach to marketing that works for everyone
Join us to learn how you can help your lawyers take control of their marketing efforts—without adding to their workload or yours!
Registration Fee
- TLOMA Members: Free of charge
- Non-Members: $84.75 ($75.00 + HST)
Members are welcome to invite colleagues and prospective members from their firm who may benefit from this session.
Registration Deadline
Mon. Mar 31, 2025
Registration Instructions
Cancellation & Substitution Policy
If you register and are unable to attend the webinar, you have two options:
- Send another TLOMA member from your firm at no additional cost.
- Send a non-member for a fee of $84.75 ($75.00 + HST).
Payment for substitutions must be provided to TLOMA before the event. Any cancellations require at least 24 hours' notice.